1 Morland Road, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 6HA
Telephone: 020 8688 0434
We're open
Order your repeat prescriptions online using Patient Access 24/7.
You may request a repeat prescription by a note, a repeat computer printout, via online or a personal visit to the Surgery. A note should include your name, address, contact number and details of the medication you require.
Prescription email address: SWLCCG.H83023prescriptions@nhs.net
Telephone requests will only be accepted from housebound patients.
All patients having repeat prescriptions will have to be seen at regular intervals for review of their medication.
Please note: Please allow 48 hours, excluding weekends and Bank Holidays, for your request to be processed. Any problems please telephone the surgery.
Occasionally patients request medication which is not listed on their “Repeat Medication List”, this can result in your request taking longer to authorise.
EPS – you may request to use our electronic prescribing service. This requires that you nominate a Chemist to whom you wish your prescription to be sent. You must still request your prescription in the normal way. It will then be sent electronically to the Chemist of your choice.